The Tragedy of Saturday Service
The RTC will be operating using its reduced, Saturday service schedule, starting last Monday and continuing until... who knows? This means that, while users in the core transit-served areas of the Valley will notice only mild reductions in frequency, riders on routes on the edges of the service area will see some pretty drastic cuts. Take, for example, the 121 Durango/Buffalo, running through the western suburbs: the weekday schedule has it as a standard half-hourly route, but on Saturdays it only runs hourly. If that's the bus you rely on, it's a significant cut, and it'll mean that it's that much harder for me to get to one of my doctors, just as an example. Why would the agency do this? Well, the same reason everything sucks in the world today, and the same reason I haven't posted in over two years: the coronavirus. Logistics companies are desperately trying to move all the stuff we've been ordering while we've been in lockdown, through a pandemic-strick...