I need this blog

Hello, world! It's Allie again. I* ran a transportation blog for nearly six years in my old city, and I wasn't going to start a new one here in the big, bad desert, I wasn't. Surely somebody out here was talking about urbanism and transit issues in America's 29th-largest city! Surely that was a job that I didn't want or need to do, what with finishing a dissertation, teaching at a new campus, and just generally getting settled in a new city for the first time since I left high school.

But no! There is nobody in Las Vegas-- at least that's Googleable-- who is writing about urbanism and alternative transportation issues. Nobody.

I wasn't going to let that get me started either, nope. But dear readers, I am falling in love with a new city and I have things to say about her! My personal social media audience isn't going to go for this kind of geekery, and the general consensus on Las Vegas in urbanist circles is pretty much set: it's an irresponsible sprawling hellscape that is drinking the Colorado dry, and we ought to let it wither and die. So I'm striking out into the blogosphere once more!

I have no illusions that this space will ever be anywhere near the size of Riding in Riverside, or that I'll achieve anything like my (modest) political notoriety with it, or that I'll even maintain a regular posting schedule. This blog is a box for me to put thoughts in because I need them out of my head. If y'all want to listen to those thoughts, come on in, but I make no promises of frequency or constancy of posting.

*I used to go by a different name.


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